


获得教育部自然科学一等奖(排2)、斯坦福全球前2%科学家江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程中青年学术技术带头人,Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigator 新锐科学家,Microsystems & Nanoengineering优秀青年科学家奖,江苏省优秀青年基金,江苏省优秀博士学位论文,东南大学首批至善青年学者A层次),江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才,江苏省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,挑战杯国家特等奖指导教师,Outstanding reviewer for Lab on a Chip(2年)MDPI优秀青年编委奖,ELECTROPHORESISBiosensors 等期刊编委,Wiley综合性旗舰期刊Exploration的推广编辑,《机械工程学报》青年编委,百余个国际期刊审稿人,并于2017年和2021年两次破格晋升副教授、教授。

Small (IF 13.3)Small Methods (IF 12.4)Lab on a Chip (IF 6.1)Science Bulletin (IF 18.9)等知名期刊发表SCI论文110余篇(近五年第一/通讯作者63篇,超过55%的论文IF>5,主编/参编英文专著3部。其中,封面论文和研究亮点论文16篇,英国物理学会Top Cited Paper Award论文1篇,美国化学学会ACS Editors' Choice论文1篇、英国皇家化学学会报道论文4篇和Lab on a Chip HOT Article 1篇;发表于Nanotechnology的封面论文被英国物理学会做长达三页纸的大篇幅专题报道,受邀撰写惯性微流控唯一一篇前瞻性综述论文。主持或参研国家重大科研仪器研制项目等项目近20项。













1. 新型医疗器械产品的设计与制造;2. 微机电系统及微型化仪器;3. 微型化软体仿生机器人及应用;4、创新医疗器械产品



32023年,Microsystems & Nanoengineering青年科学家奖

42023年,英国皇家化学学会Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigator 新锐科学家


62023年,美国化学学会ACS Editors' Choice论文(每天从整个出版集团论文中选择1篇)



92020年,英国物理学会IOP Publishing Top Cited Paper Award,排名1/1

102022年,英国皇家化学学会Lab on a Chip Hot article,第一作者

1120222020年,英国皇家化学学会Outstanding reviewer for Lab on a Chip(每年仅8人)










212018年,发表于Analytical Chemistry的研究工作入选当期研究亮点



Small (IF 13.3)Lab on a Chip (IF 6.1)Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical (IF 8.4)Science Bulletin (IF 18.9)等知名期刊发表SCI论文110余篇。


[1] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni.Inertial microfluidics: current status, challenges, and futureopportunities, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22: 4792-4804 (SCI,IF=6.1,惯性微流控领域唯一前瞻性综述,入选Lab on a Chip HOTArticles)

[2] Yao Chen, Chen Ni, Lin Jiang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Inertial Multi-Force Deformability Cytometry for High-Throughput,High-Accuracy, and High-Applicability Tumor Cell Mechanotyping, Small, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202303962 (SCI, IF=13.3)

[3] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput concentration of rare malignanttumor cells from large-volume effusions by multistage inertialmicrofluidics, Lab on a Chip,2022, 22(4):757-767 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[4] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. PortableBattery-Driven Microfluidic Cell Separation Instrument with MultipleOperational Modes, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94: 16813–16820 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[5] Nan Xiang*,Yu Han, Yuan Jia, Zhiguo Shi, Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*. Flow stabilizer on asyringe tip for hand-powered microfluidic sample injection, Labon a Chip, 2019, 19(2): 214-222 (SCIIF=6.1, 正封面论文)

[6]Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications, Nan Xiang and Zhonghua Ni, Eds. Published: March 2023, Pages: 304 ISBN978-3-0365-7126-3 (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-7127-0 (PDF), https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-7127-0(主编图书)

[7] Nan Xiang, Zhonghua Ni. Inertial Microfluidics for Single-Cell Manipulation andAnalysis. In: Santra T., Tseng FG. (eds) Handbook of Single Cell Technologies.Springer, Singapore (参编图书章节)

[8]Chen Ni, Zhixian Zhu, Zheng Zhou, Nan Xiang*. High-Throughput Separation and Enrichment of Rare Malignant TumorCells from Large-Volume Effusions by Inertial Microfluidics. In:Garcia-Cordero, J.L., Revzin, A. (eds) Microfluidic Systems for CancerDiagnosis. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2023, vol 2679. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3271-0_13(参编图书章节)

[9]Zheng Zhou, Chen Ni, Zhixian Zhu, Yao Chen, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. High-throughput adjustable deformability cytometryutilizing elasto-inertial focusing and virtual fluidic channel, Lab on aChip, 2023, 23: 4528-4539 (SCIIF=6.1)

[10]Chen Ni, Yao Chen, Yujie Zhou, Di Jiang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Inertia-magnetic microfluidics for rapid andhigh-purity separation of malignant tumor cells, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical,2023, 397: 134619 (SCIIF=8.4)

[11]Yao Chen, Lin Jiang, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Viscoelastic-sorting integrated deformability cytometerfor high-throughput sorting and high-precision mechanical phenotyping of tumorcells. Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03792 (SCIIF=7.4)

[12]Shu Zhu, Yaohui Fang, Kefan Guo, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Next-generation Liquid Biopsy Instruments: Challengesand Opportunities, Electrophoresis, 2023, 44(9-10):775-783 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[13]Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni, Wu Dan.High-throughput and high-purity separation of malignant tumor cells in pleuraland peritoneal effusions using interfacial elasto-inertial microfluidics, Sensors& Diagnostics, 2023, 2: 929-937 (邀请论文)

[14]Hang Yang, Lin Jiang, Kefan Guo, Nan Xiang*. Static droplet array for the synthesis of nonsphericalmicroparticles, Electrophoresis, 2023, 44: 563–572 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[15]Lin Jiang, Hang Yang, Weiqi Cheng, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Droplet microfluidics for CTC-based liquid biopsy: areview, Analyst, 2023, 148, 203 (SCI, IF=4.2,正封面论文)

[16] YaoChen, Kefan Guo, Lin Jiang, Shu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Microfluidicdeformability cytometry: A review, Talanta, 2023,251:123815 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[17] Nan Xiang and Zhonghua Ni,Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications,Biosensors, 2023, 13(2): 161 (SCI,IF=5.4)

[18]Chen Ni, Zheng Zhou, Zhixian Zhu, Di Jiang, Nan Xiang*. Controllable Size-IndependentThree-Dimensional Inertial Focusing in High-Aspect-Ratio Asymmetric SerpentineMicrochannels, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(45):15639–15647 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[19] YaohuiFang, Shu Zhu, Weiqi Cheng, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Efficient bioparticle extractionusing miniaturized inertial microfluidic centrifuge, Lab on a Chip,2022, 22, 3545-3554 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[20] KefanGuo, Yao Chen, Zheng Zhou, Shu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Anovel 3D Tesla valve micromixer for efficient mixing and chitosan nanoparticleproduction, Electrophoresis, 2022, 43: 2184–2194. (SCI,IF=2.9)

[21] DezhiTang, Lin Jiang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Discrimination oftumor cell type based on cytometric detection of dielectric properties, Talanta,2022, 246:123524 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[22] ZhixianZhu, Shuang Li, Dan Wu, Hui Ren, Chen Ni, Cailian Wang*, Nan Xiang*and Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput and label-free enrichment of malignanttumor cells and clusters from pleural and peritoneal effusions using inertialmicrofluidics, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22: 2097-2106 (SCI,IF=6.1正封面论文)

[23] YaoChen, Zheng Zhou, ShuZhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Label-freeMicrofluidics for Single-Cell Analysis, Microchemical Journal,2022, 177: 107284 (SCI, IF=4.8)

[24] DezhiTang, Lin Jiang, WenlaiTang*, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Cost-effective portable microfluidic impedance cytometer forbroadband impedance cell analysis based on viscoelastic focusing, Talanta,2022, 242(6):123274 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[25] FengtaoJiang, Nan Xiang*. Integrated Microfluidic Handheld CellSorter for High-Throughput Label-Free Malignant Tumor Cell Sorting, AnalyticalChemistry, 2022, 94(3): 1859–1866 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[26] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Hand-Powered Inertial Microfluidic Syringe-TipCentrifuge, Biosensors, 2022, 12(1): 14 (SCI, IF=5.4)

[27]Shu Zhu, Yaohui Fang, Yao Chen, Peiwen Yu, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*,Zhonghua Ni*. Stackable Micromixer with Modular Design for Efficient Mixingover Wide Reynold Numbers, International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer, 2022, 183:122129 (SCI, IF=5.2)

[28] CailianWang*, Yan Chen, Xuyu Gu, Xiuxiu Zhang, Chanchan Gao, Lijun Dong, Shiya Zheng,Shicheng Feng, Nan Xiang*. Low-cost polymer-film spiralinertial microfluidic device for label-free separation of malignant tumorcells, Electrophoresis, 2022, 43: 464–471 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[29] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Electricity-free hand-held inertial microfluidicsorter for size-based cell sorting, Talanta, 2021, 235:122807 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[30] FengtaoJiang, Nan Xiang*. Series and parallel integration of flowregulators for precise and multiple-output fluid deliverySensors and Actuators: A.Physical, 2021, 332:113160 (SCI, IF=4.6)

[31] ZhengZhou, Yao Chen, Shu Zhu, Linbo Liu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Inertialmicrofluidics for high-throughput cell analysis and detection: areview, Analyst, 2021, 146: 6064–6083 (SCI, IF=4.2)

[32] Nan Xiang*, Silin Wang, Zhonghua Ni*. Secondary-flow-aided single-trainelastic-inertial focusing in low elasticity viscoelastic fluids, Electrophoresis,2021, 42: 2256–2263 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[33]Shu Zhu, Xiaozhe Zhang, Mu Chen, Dezhi Tang, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*,Zhonghua Ni*. An easy-fabricated and disposable polymer-film microfluidicimpedance cytometer for cell sensing, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021,1175: 338759 (SCI, IF=6.2)

[34]张孝哲, 项楠*, 倪中华单细胞机械性能检测方法与应用研究进展, 生物物理和生物化学进展, 2021, 49(2):303~317 (中文综述SCI)

[35]Shu Zhu, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zheng Zhou, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Microfluidic impedance cytometry for single-cell sensing: review onelectrode configurations, Talanta, 2021, 233: 122571 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[36]Zhixian Zhu, Dan Wu, Shuang Li, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, Cailian Wang,Zhonghua Ni*. A polymer-film inertial microfluidic sorter fabricated by jigsawpuzzle method for precise size-based cell separation, AnalyticaChimica Acta, 2021, 1143:306-314 (SCI, IF=6.2)

[37]Dezhi Tang, Mu Chen, Yu Han*, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Asymmetricserpentine microchannel based impedance cytometer enabling consistent transitand accurate characterization of tumor cells and blood cells, Sensors& Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 336:129719 (SCI, IF=8.4)

[38]Hui Ren, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, HaoWang, Tingting Zheng, HongjieAn, Nam-Trung Nguyen*, Jun Zhang*. Multiplexed serpentine microchannels forhigh-throughput sorting of disseminated tumor cells from malignant pleuraleffusion, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021,337:129758 (SCI, IF=8.4)

[39]Di Huang, Nan Xiang*. Rapid and precise tumor cell separation usingthe combination of size-dependent inertial and size-independent magneticmethods, Lab on a Chip, 2021, 21(7):1409-1417 (SCI,IF=6.1)

[40]Di Jiang, Chen Ni, Wenlai Tang*, Nan Xiang*. Numerical simulationof elasto-inertial focusing of particles in straight microchannels, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54:065401 (SCI, IF=3.4)

[41]Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Deformability cytometry for high-throughputcell mechanical phenotyping, Science Bulletin,2020, 65(24):2045-2047 (SCI, IF=18.9)

[42] NanXiang*, Qiao Li, Zhonghua Ni*. Combining Inertial Microfluidics withCross-Flow Filtration for High-Fold and High-Throughput Passive VolumeReduction, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(9):6770-6776 (SCI,IF=7.4)

[43]Wenlai Tang, Shu Zhu, Di Jiang, Liya Zhu, Jiquan Yang, Nan Xiang*.Channel innovations for inertial microfluidics, Lab on a Chip,2020, 20: 3485-3502 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[44]Shu Zhu, Dan Wu, Yu Han, Cailian Wang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Inertial microfluidic cube for automatic and fast extraction of white bloodcells from whole blood, Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20(2):244-252(SCIIF=6.1, 正封面论文)

[45] Nan Xiang*, Qiao Li, Zhiguo Shi, Chenguang Zhou, Fengtao Jiang, Yu Han,Zhonghua Ni*. Low-cost multi-core inertial microfluidic centrifuge forhigh-throughput cell concentration, Electrophoresis, 2020,41(10-11):875-882 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[46]Linbo Liu, Haoyan Xu, Haibo Xiu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Microfluidic on-demand engineering of longitudinal dynamic self-assembly ofparticles, Analyst, 2020, 145:5128-5133 (SCI, IF=4.6)

[47]Shu Zhu, Fengtao Jiang, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Microfluidics for label-free sorting of rare circulating tumor cells, Analyst 2020,145(22): 7103-7124. (SCI, IF=4.6)

[48]Di Huang, Jiaxiang Man, Di Jiang, Jiyun Zhao, Nan Xiang*. Inertialmicrofluidics: Recent advances, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41,2166–2187 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[49]Fengtao Jiang, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Ultrahigh throughputbeehive-like device for blood plasma separation, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41(13)2136–2143. (SCI, IF=2.9)

[50]Yunlin Quan, Ke Chen, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A single-view fieldfilter device for rare tumor cell filtration and enumeration, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41(23):2000-2006. (SCI, IF=2.9)

[51]Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Droplet-based microreactor forthe production of micro/nano-materials, Electrophoresis,2020, 41(10-11):833-851 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[52] Nan Xiang*, Jie Wang, Qiao Li, Yu Han, Di Huang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Precise Size-Based Cell Separation via the Coupling of Inertial Microfluidicsand Deterministic Lateral Displacement, Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91(15):10328-10334 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[53] Nan Xiang*, Rui Zhang, Yu Han, Zhonghua Ni*. A Multilayer Polymer-Film InertialMicrofluidic Device for High-Throughput Cell Concentration, AnalyticalChemistry, 2019, 91(8):5461-5468 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[54] Nan Xiang*, Jie Wang, Qiao Li, Yu Han, Di Huang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Precise Size-Based Cell Separation via the Coupling of Inertial Microfluidicsand Deterministic Lateral Displacement, Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91(15):10328-10334 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[55]Xinjie Zhang, Kang Xia, Aimin Ji, Nan Xiang*. A smart and portablemicropump for stable liquid delivery, Electrophoresis, 2019,40(6): 865-872 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[56]Jingwen Mo*, Yaohuan Ding, Shu Zhu, Pan Kuang, Long Shen, Nan Xiang*,Jingjie Sha, Yunfei Chen*. Passive microscopic fluidic diodes using asymmetricchannels, AIP Advances, 2019, 9(8):085117 (SCI, IF=1.6)

[57] LinboLiu, Ke Chen, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Dielectrophoreticmanipulation of nanomaterials: a review, Electrophoresis,2019, 40(6): 873-889 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[58] Nan Xiang*,Qing Dai, Yu Han, Zhonghua Ni*. Circular-channel particle focuser utilizingviscoelastic focusing, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019,23(2):16 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[59]Wenlai Tang*, Di Jiang, Zongan Li, Liya Zhu, Jianping Shi, JiquanYang, Nan Xiang*. Recent advances in microfluidic cell sorting techniques based onboth physical and biochemical principles, Electrophoresis,2019, 40(6): 930-945 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[60]Wenlai Tang, Ning Fan, Jiquan Yang, Zongan Li, Liya Zhu, Di Jiang, JianpingShi*, Nan Xiang*. Elasto-inertial particle focusing in 3D-printedmicrochannels with unconventional cross sections, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23(3):42 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[61]Di Jiang, Di Huang, Gutian Zhao, Wenlai Tang*, Nan Xiang*. Numericalsimulation of particle migration in different contraction–expansion ratiomicrochannels, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23(1),7 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[62] NanXiang*, Xin Shi, Yu Han, Zhiguo Shi, Fengtao Jiang, ZhonghuaNi*. Inertial Microfluidic Syringe Cell Concentrator, Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(15): 9515–9522 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[63] NanXiang*, Zhonghua Ni, Hong Yi*. Concentration‐controlled particlefocusing in spiral elasto‐inertial microfluidic devices, Electrophoresis,2018, 39(2): 417-424(SCIIF=2.9, 封面论文)

[64]Xinjie Zhang, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, Feifei Long, ZhonghuaNi*. Automated microfluidic instrument for label-free and high-throughputcell separation, Analytical Chemistry, 2018,90(6):4212–4220 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[65]Xin Wang, Ke Chen, Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Dielectrophoresis-based multi-step nanowire assembly on a flexiblesuperstrate, Nanotechnology, 2018, 29(2):025301 (SCI,IF=3.5)

[66] WenlaiTang, Dezhi Tang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, HongYi*. Microfluidic impedance cytometer with inertial focusing and liquid electrodesfor high-throughput cell counting and discrimination, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(5):3154-3161(SCIIF=7.4, 当期研究亮点)

[67] LinboLiu, Ke Chen*, Di Huang, Xin Wang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Anovel ‘leadless’ dielectrophoresis chip with dot matrix electrodes forpatterning nanowires, Nanotechnology, 2017,28(28):285302(SCIIF=3.5, 正封面论文,英国皇家物理学会旗下nanotechweb.org网站专题报道)

[68] Xinjie Zhang,Zhixian Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, Hong Yi*. Inexpensive, rapidfabrication of polymer-film microfluidic autoregulatory valve for disposablemicrofluidics, Biomedical Microdevices, 2017,19(2):21 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[69]Wenlai Tang, Dezhi Tang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, Hong Yi*. Aportable single-cell analysis system integrating hydrodynamic trapping withbroadband impedance spectroscopy, Science China-TechnologicalSciences, 2017, 60(11):1707-1715 (SCI, IF=4.6)

[70] Nan Xiang*, Qing Dai, Zhonghua Ni*. Multi-train elasto-inertial particlefocusing in straight microfluidic channels, Applied Physics Letters,2016, 109(13):134101 (SCI, IF=4)

[71]Xinjie Zhang, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A microfluidicgas damper for stabilizing gas pressure in portable microfluidic systems, Biomicrofluidics,2016, 10(5):054123 (SCI, IF=3.2)

[72] Nan Xiang*, Xinjie Zhang, Qing Dai, Jie Cheng, Ke Chen, ZhonghuaNi*. Fundamentals of elasto-inertial particle focusing in curvedmicrofluidic channels, Lab on a Chip, 2016,16(14):2626-2635(SCIIF=6.1, 背封面论文)

[73] Nan Xiang*, Di Huang, Jie Cheng, Ke Chen, Xinjie Zhang, Wenlai Tang, ZhonghuaNi*. Focusing dynamics of finite-sized particles in confined microfluidicchannels, Applied Physics Express, 2016, 9(2):027001 (SCI,IF=2.3)

[74]Di Huang, Xin Shi, Yi Qian, Wenlai Tang, Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Rapid separation of human breast cancer cells from blood using a simplespiral channel device, Analytical Methods, 2016, 8(30):5940-5948 (SCI, IF=3.1)

[75]Di Jiang, Wenlai Tang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Numericalsimulation of particle focusing in a symmetrical serpentine microchannel, RSCAdvances, 2016,6(62): 57647-57657 (SCI, IF=3.9)

[76]Xinjie Zhang, Xin Wang, Ke Chen, Jie Cheng, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Passive flow regulator for precise high-throughput flow rate control inmicrofluidic environments, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(38):31639-31646 (SCI, IF=3.9)

[77]Xinjie Zhang, Di Huang, Wenlai Tang, Di Jiang, Ke Chen, Hong Yi, NanXiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A low cost and quasi-commercial polymer film chip forhigh-throughput inertial cell isolation, RSC Advances, 2016,6(12): 9734-9742 (SCI, IF=3.9)

[78] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput blood cell focusing and plasmaisolation using spiral inertial microfluidic devices, Biomedical Microdevices, 2015, 17(6): 110-121 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[79]Nan Xiang, Zhiguo Shi, Wenlai Tang, Di Huang, Xinjie Zhang, ZhonghuaNi*. Improved understanding of particle migration modes in spiral inertialmicrofluidic devices, RSC Advances, 2015,5(94):77264-77273 (SCI, IF=3.9)

[80]Xinjie Zhang#, Nan Xiang#(共同一作), Wenlai Tang, Di Huang, Xin Wang,Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*. A passive flow regulator with low threshold pressure forhigh-throughput inertial isolation of microbeads, Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15(17): 3473-3480 (SCIIF=6.1, 正封面论文)

[81] Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Qing Dai, Di Jiang, Dongke Sun, Zhonghua Ni*. Inertia-inducedfocusing dynamics of microparticles throughout a curved microfluidicchannel, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2015, 18(1):29-39 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[82]Nan Xiang, Hong Yi, Ke Chen, Dongke Sun, Di Jiang, Qing Dai, ZhonghuaNi*. High-throughput inertial particle focusing in a curved microchannel:Insights into the flow-rate regulation mechanism and process model, Biomicrofluidics,2013, 7(4): 044116(SCI, IF=3.2)

[83]Nan Xiang, Hong Yi, Ke Chen, Shanfang Wang, Zhonghua Ni*. Investigationof the maskless lithography technique for the rapid and cost-effectiveprototyping of microfluidic devices in laboratories, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2013, 23(2): 025016 (SCI, IF=2.3)

[84] Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Dongke Sun, Shanfang Wang, Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*.Quantitative characterization of the focusing process and dynamic behaviorofdifferently sized microparticles in a spiral microchannel, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2013, 14(1-2): 89-99 (SCI, IF=2.8)

        [85] Nan Xiang, Xiaolu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni*.Application of Inertial Effect in Microfluidic Chips, Progress in Chemistry, 2011, 23(9): 1945-1958 (SCI, IF=1.3)



(1) 项楠、倪中华、张睿、石欣、李峤,一种机械驱动的精确进样装置,申请号:ZL201810346348.4,授权公告日:2021.03.19发明授权

(2) 项楠、蒋丰韬、倪中华,三维螺旋结构细胞分选微流控芯片及其制作方法,申请号:ZL201810268556.7,授权公告日:2020.09.11发明授权

(3) 项楠、倪中华,注射器流量稳定装置,申请号:ZL201710816183.8,授权公告日:2020.07.31发明授权

(4) 项楠、倪中华,一种分选细胞的微流控器件及其使用方法,申请号:ZL 201710872818.6,授权公告日:2020.07.31 发明授权

(5) 项楠、倪中华、张睿、姜恒、郑宇,微米粒子高通量富集微流控芯片,申请号:ZL201711248886.1,授权公告日:2020.05.19发明授权

(6) 项楠、王欣、倪中华、陈科,一种基于光诱导介电泳技术和纳米孔的DNA测序装置和测序方法,申请号:ZL 201710238945.0,授权公告日:2019.07.30发明授权

(7) 项楠、倪中华、朱志贤、张鑫杰,一种肿瘤细胞高通量分选富集微流控芯片,申请号:ZL201710227189.1,授权公告日:2019.06.21发明授权

(8) 项楠、倪中华,微流控注射器滤头及其使用方法,申请号:ZL201710816147.1,授权公告日:2019.06.21发明授权

(9) 项楠、倪中华、郑宇、姜恒,一种能实现细胞中心位置聚焦和检测的微流控芯片,申请号:ZL201710153375.5,授权公告日:2019.05.24发明授权

(10) 项楠、蒋丰韬、倪中华,一种微流控移液器枪头,申请号:ZL201710461769.7,授权公告日:2019.04.30发明授权

(11) 项楠、倪中华、姜恒、郑宇,一种高通量微米粒子循环分选与浓缩装置及其制作方法,申请号:ZL201710235635.3,授权公告日:2019.03.12发明授权

(12) 项楠、王欣、倪中华、陈科,一种制作银纳米线柔性透明导电薄膜的方法,申请号:ZL201710126436.9,授权公告日:2018.04.24发明授权

(13) 项楠、倪中华、易红、陈云飞、陈科、孙东科,一种微米级粒子高通量分选的微流控器件及其制作方法,申请号:ZL201110407831.7,授权公告日:2014.05.07发明授权


项楠 微纳医疗器械设计与制造、软体仿生机器人
Personal Introduction


获得教育部自然科学一等奖(排2)、斯坦福全球前2%科学家江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程中青年学术技术带头人,Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigator 新锐科学家,Microsystems & Nanoengineering优秀青年科学家奖,江苏省优秀青年基金,江苏省优秀博士学位论文,东南大学首批至善青年学者A层次),江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才,江苏省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,挑战杯国家特等奖指导教师,Outstanding reviewer for Lab on a Chip(2年)MDPI优秀青年编委奖,ELECTROPHORESISBiosensors 等期刊编委,Wiley综合性旗舰期刊Exploration的推广编辑,《机械工程学报》青年编委,百余个国际期刊审稿人,并于2017年和2021年两次破格晋升副教授、教授。

Small (IF 13.3)Small Methods (IF 12.4)Lab on a Chip (IF 6.1)Science Bulletin (IF 18.9)等知名期刊发表SCI论文110余篇(近五年第一/通讯作者63篇,超过55%的论文IF>5,主编/参编英文专著3部。其中,封面论文和研究亮点论文16篇,英国物理学会Top Cited Paper Award论文1篇,美国化学学会ACS Editors' Choice论文1篇、英国皇家化学学会报道论文4篇和Lab on a Chip HOT Article 1篇;发表于Nanotechnology的封面论文被英国物理学会做长达三页纸的大篇幅专题报道,受邀撰写惯性微流控唯一一篇前瞻性综述论文。主持或参研国家重大科研仪器研制项目等项目近20项。





Educational Background

Small (IF 13.3)Lab on a Chip (IF 6.1)Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical (IF 8.4)Science Bulletin (IF 18.9)等知名期刊发表SCI论文110余篇。


[1] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni.Inertial microfluidics: current status, challenges, and futureopportunities, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22: 4792-4804 (SCI,IF=6.1,惯性微流控领域唯一前瞻性综述,入选Lab on a Chip HOTArticles)

[2] Yao Chen, Chen Ni, Lin Jiang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Inertial Multi-Force Deformability Cytometry for High-Throughput,High-Accuracy, and High-Applicability Tumor Cell Mechanotyping, Small, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202303962 (SCI, IF=13.3)

[3] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput concentration of rare malignanttumor cells from large-volume effusions by multistage inertialmicrofluidics, Lab on a Chip,2022, 22(4):757-767 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[4] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. PortableBattery-Driven Microfluidic Cell Separation Instrument with MultipleOperational Modes, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94: 16813–16820 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[5] Nan Xiang*,Yu Han, Yuan Jia, Zhiguo Shi, Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*. Flow stabilizer on asyringe tip for hand-powered microfluidic sample injection, Labon a Chip, 2019, 19(2): 214-222 (SCIIF=6.1, 正封面论文)

[6]Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications, Nan Xiang and Zhonghua Ni, Eds. Published: March 2023, Pages: 304 ISBN978-3-0365-7126-3 (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-7127-0 (PDF), https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-7127-0(主编图书)

[7] Nan Xiang, Zhonghua Ni. Inertial Microfluidics for Single-Cell Manipulation andAnalysis. In: Santra T., Tseng FG. (eds) Handbook of Single Cell Technologies.Springer, Singapore (参编图书章节)

[8]Chen Ni, Zhixian Zhu, Zheng Zhou, Nan Xiang*. High-Throughput Separation and Enrichment of Rare Malignant TumorCells from Large-Volume Effusions by Inertial Microfluidics. In:Garcia-Cordero, J.L., Revzin, A. (eds) Microfluidic Systems for CancerDiagnosis. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2023, vol 2679. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3271-0_13(参编图书章节)

[9]Zheng Zhou, Chen Ni, Zhixian Zhu, Yao Chen, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. High-throughput adjustable deformability cytometryutilizing elasto-inertial focusing and virtual fluidic channel, Lab on aChip, 2023, 23: 4528-4539 (SCIIF=6.1)

[10]Chen Ni, Yao Chen, Yujie Zhou, Di Jiang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Inertia-magnetic microfluidics for rapid andhigh-purity separation of malignant tumor cells, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical,2023, 397: 134619 (SCIIF=8.4)

[11]Yao Chen, Lin Jiang, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Viscoelastic-sorting integrated deformability cytometerfor high-throughput sorting and high-precision mechanical phenotyping of tumorcells. Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03792 (SCIIF=7.4)

[12]Shu Zhu, Yaohui Fang, Kefan Guo, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Next-generation Liquid Biopsy Instruments: Challengesand Opportunities, Electrophoresis, 2023, 44(9-10):775-783 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[13]Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni, Wu Dan.High-throughput and high-purity separation of malignant tumor cells in pleuraland peritoneal effusions using interfacial elasto-inertial microfluidics, Sensors& Diagnostics, 2023, 2: 929-937 (邀请论文)

[14]Hang Yang, Lin Jiang, Kefan Guo, Nan Xiang*. Static droplet array for the synthesis of nonsphericalmicroparticles, Electrophoresis, 2023, 44: 563–572 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[15]Lin Jiang, Hang Yang, Weiqi Cheng, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Droplet microfluidics for CTC-based liquid biopsy: areview, Analyst, 2023, 148, 203 (SCI, IF=4.2,正封面论文)

[16] YaoChen, Kefan Guo, Lin Jiang, Shu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Microfluidicdeformability cytometry: A review, Talanta, 2023,251:123815 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[17] Nan Xiang and Zhonghua Ni,Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications,Biosensors, 2023, 13(2): 161 (SCI,IF=5.4)

[18]Chen Ni, Zheng Zhou, Zhixian Zhu, Di Jiang, Nan Xiang*. Controllable Size-IndependentThree-Dimensional Inertial Focusing in High-Aspect-Ratio Asymmetric SerpentineMicrochannels, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(45):15639–15647 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[19] YaohuiFang, Shu Zhu, Weiqi Cheng, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Efficient bioparticle extractionusing miniaturized inertial microfluidic centrifuge, Lab on a Chip,2022, 22, 3545-3554 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[20] KefanGuo, Yao Chen, Zheng Zhou, Shu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Anovel 3D Tesla valve micromixer for efficient mixing and chitosan nanoparticleproduction, Electrophoresis, 2022, 43: 2184–2194. (SCI,IF=2.9)

[21] DezhiTang, Lin Jiang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Discrimination oftumor cell type based on cytometric detection of dielectric properties, Talanta,2022, 246:123524 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[22] ZhixianZhu, Shuang Li, Dan Wu, Hui Ren, Chen Ni, Cailian Wang*, Nan Xiang*and Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput and label-free enrichment of malignanttumor cells and clusters from pleural and peritoneal effusions using inertialmicrofluidics, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22: 2097-2106 (SCI,IF=6.1正封面论文)

[23] YaoChen, Zheng Zhou, ShuZhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Label-freeMicrofluidics for Single-Cell Analysis, Microchemical Journal,2022, 177: 107284 (SCI, IF=4.8)

[24] DezhiTang, Lin Jiang, WenlaiTang*, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Cost-effective portable microfluidic impedance cytometer forbroadband impedance cell analysis based on viscoelastic focusing, Talanta,2022, 242(6):123274 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[25] FengtaoJiang, Nan Xiang*. Integrated Microfluidic Handheld CellSorter for High-Throughput Label-Free Malignant Tumor Cell Sorting, AnalyticalChemistry, 2022, 94(3): 1859–1866 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[26] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Hand-Powered Inertial Microfluidic Syringe-TipCentrifuge, Biosensors, 2022, 12(1): 14 (SCI, IF=5.4)

[27]Shu Zhu, Yaohui Fang, Yao Chen, Peiwen Yu, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*,Zhonghua Ni*. Stackable Micromixer with Modular Design for Efficient Mixingover Wide Reynold Numbers, International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer, 2022, 183:122129 (SCI, IF=5.2)

[28] CailianWang*, Yan Chen, Xuyu Gu, Xiuxiu Zhang, Chanchan Gao, Lijun Dong, Shiya Zheng,Shicheng Feng, Nan Xiang*. Low-cost polymer-film spiralinertial microfluidic device for label-free separation of malignant tumorcells, Electrophoresis, 2022, 43: 464–471 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[29] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Electricity-free hand-held inertial microfluidicsorter for size-based cell sorting, Talanta, 2021, 235:122807 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[30] FengtaoJiang, Nan Xiang*. Series and parallel integration of flowregulators for precise and multiple-output fluid deliverySensors and Actuators: A.Physical, 2021, 332:113160 (SCI, IF=4.6)

[31] ZhengZhou, Yao Chen, Shu Zhu, Linbo Liu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Inertialmicrofluidics for high-throughput cell analysis and detection: areview, Analyst, 2021, 146: 6064–6083 (SCI, IF=4.2)

[32] Nan Xiang*, Silin Wang, Zhonghua Ni*. Secondary-flow-aided single-trainelastic-inertial focusing in low elasticity viscoelastic fluids, Electrophoresis,2021, 42: 2256–2263 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[33]Shu Zhu, Xiaozhe Zhang, Mu Chen, Dezhi Tang, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*,Zhonghua Ni*. An easy-fabricated and disposable polymer-film microfluidicimpedance cytometer for cell sensing, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021,1175: 338759 (SCI, IF=6.2)

[34]张孝哲, 项楠*, 倪中华单细胞机械性能检测方法与应用研究进展, 生物物理和生物化学进展, 2021, 49(2):303~317 (中文综述SCI)

[35]Shu Zhu, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zheng Zhou, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Microfluidic impedance cytometry for single-cell sensing: review onelectrode configurations, Talanta, 2021, 233: 122571 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[36]Zhixian Zhu, Dan Wu, Shuang Li, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, Cailian Wang,Zhonghua Ni*. A polymer-film inertial microfluidic sorter fabricated by jigsawpuzzle method for precise size-based cell separation, AnalyticaChimica Acta, 2021, 1143:306-314 (SCI, IF=6.2)

[37]Dezhi Tang, Mu Chen, Yu Han*, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Asymmetricserpentine microchannel based impedance cytometer enabling consistent transitand accurate characterization of tumor cells and blood cells, Sensors& Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 336:129719 (SCI, IF=8.4)

[38]Hui Ren, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, HaoWang, Tingting Zheng, HongjieAn, Nam-Trung Nguyen*, Jun Zhang*. Multiplexed serpentine microchannels forhigh-throughput sorting of disseminated tumor cells from malignant pleuraleffusion, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021,337:129758 (SCI, IF=8.4)

[39]Di Huang, Nan Xiang*. Rapid and precise tumor cell separation usingthe combination of size-dependent inertial and size-independent magneticmethods, Lab on a Chip, 2021, 21(7):1409-1417 (SCI,IF=6.1)

[40]Di Jiang, Chen Ni, Wenlai Tang*, Nan Xiang*. Numerical simulationof elasto-inertial focusing of particles in straight microchannels, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54:065401 (SCI, IF=3.4)

[41]Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Deformability cytometry for high-throughputcell mechanical phenotyping, Science Bulletin,2020, 65(24):2045-2047 (SCI, IF=18.9)

[42] NanXiang*, Qiao Li, Zhonghua Ni*. Combining Inertial Microfluidics withCross-Flow Filtration for High-Fold and High-Throughput Passive VolumeReduction, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(9):6770-6776 (SCI,IF=7.4)

[43]Wenlai Tang, Shu Zhu, Di Jiang, Liya Zhu, Jiquan Yang, Nan Xiang*.Channel innovations for inertial microfluidics, Lab on a Chip,2020, 20: 3485-3502 (SCI, IF=6.1)

[44]Shu Zhu, Dan Wu, Yu Han, Cailian Wang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Inertial microfluidic cube for automatic and fast extraction of white bloodcells from whole blood, Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20(2):244-252(SCIIF=6.1, 正封面论文)

[45] Nan Xiang*, Qiao Li, Zhiguo Shi, Chenguang Zhou, Fengtao Jiang, Yu Han,Zhonghua Ni*. Low-cost multi-core inertial microfluidic centrifuge forhigh-throughput cell concentration, Electrophoresis, 2020,41(10-11):875-882 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[46]Linbo Liu, Haoyan Xu, Haibo Xiu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Microfluidic on-demand engineering of longitudinal dynamic self-assembly ofparticles, Analyst, 2020, 145:5128-5133 (SCI, IF=4.6)

[47]Shu Zhu, Fengtao Jiang, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Microfluidics for label-free sorting of rare circulating tumor cells, Analyst 2020,145(22): 7103-7124. (SCI, IF=4.6)

[48]Di Huang, Jiaxiang Man, Di Jiang, Jiyun Zhao, Nan Xiang*. Inertialmicrofluidics: Recent advances, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41,2166–2187 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[49]Fengtao Jiang, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Ultrahigh throughputbeehive-like device for blood plasma separation, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41(13)2136–2143. (SCI, IF=2.9)

[50]Yunlin Quan, Ke Chen, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A single-view fieldfilter device for rare tumor cell filtration and enumeration, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41(23):2000-2006. (SCI, IF=2.9)

[51]Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Droplet-based microreactor forthe production of micro/nano-materials, Electrophoresis,2020, 41(10-11):833-851 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[52] Nan Xiang*, Jie Wang, Qiao Li, Yu Han, Di Huang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Precise Size-Based Cell Separation via the Coupling of Inertial Microfluidicsand Deterministic Lateral Displacement, Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91(15):10328-10334 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[53] Nan Xiang*, Rui Zhang, Yu Han, Zhonghua Ni*. A Multilayer Polymer-Film InertialMicrofluidic Device for High-Throughput Cell Concentration, AnalyticalChemistry, 2019, 91(8):5461-5468 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[54] Nan Xiang*, Jie Wang, Qiao Li, Yu Han, Di Huang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Precise Size-Based Cell Separation via the Coupling of Inertial Microfluidicsand Deterministic Lateral Displacement, Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91(15):10328-10334 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[55]Xinjie Zhang, Kang Xia, Aimin Ji, Nan Xiang*. A smart and portablemicropump for stable liquid delivery, Electrophoresis, 2019,40(6): 865-872 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[56]Jingwen Mo*, Yaohuan Ding, Shu Zhu, Pan Kuang, Long Shen, Nan Xiang*,Jingjie Sha, Yunfei Chen*. Passive microscopic fluidic diodes using asymmetricchannels, AIP Advances, 2019, 9(8):085117 (SCI, IF=1.6)

[57] LinboLiu, Ke Chen, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Dielectrophoreticmanipulation of nanomaterials: a review, Electrophoresis,2019, 40(6): 873-889 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[58] Nan Xiang*,Qing Dai, Yu Han, Zhonghua Ni*. Circular-channel particle focuser utilizingviscoelastic focusing, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019,23(2):16 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[59]Wenlai Tang*, Di Jiang, Zongan Li, Liya Zhu, Jianping Shi, JiquanYang, Nan Xiang*. Recent advances in microfluidic cell sorting techniques based onboth physical and biochemical principles, Electrophoresis,2019, 40(6): 930-945 (SCI, IF=2.9)

[60]Wenlai Tang, Ning Fan, Jiquan Yang, Zongan Li, Liya Zhu, Di Jiang, JianpingShi*, Nan Xiang*. Elasto-inertial particle focusing in 3D-printedmicrochannels with unconventional cross sections, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23(3):42 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[61]Di Jiang, Di Huang, Gutian Zhao, Wenlai Tang*, Nan Xiang*. Numericalsimulation of particle migration in different contraction–expansion ratiomicrochannels, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23(1),7 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[62] NanXiang*, Xin Shi, Yu Han, Zhiguo Shi, Fengtao Jiang, ZhonghuaNi*. Inertial Microfluidic Syringe Cell Concentrator, Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(15): 9515–9522 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[63] NanXiang*, Zhonghua Ni, Hong Yi*. Concentration‐controlled particlefocusing in spiral elasto‐inertial microfluidic devices, Electrophoresis,2018, 39(2): 417-424(SCIIF=2.9, 封面论文)

[64]Xinjie Zhang, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, Feifei Long, ZhonghuaNi*. Automated microfluidic instrument for label-free and high-throughputcell separation, Analytical Chemistry, 2018,90(6):4212–4220 (SCI, IF=7.4)

[65]Xin Wang, Ke Chen, Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Dielectrophoresis-based multi-step nanowire assembly on a flexiblesuperstrate, Nanotechnology, 2018, 29(2):025301 (SCI,IF=3.5)

[66] WenlaiTang, Dezhi Tang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, HongYi*. Microfluidic impedance cytometer with inertial focusing and liquid electrodesfor high-throughput cell counting and discrimination, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(5):3154-3161(SCIIF=7.4, 当期研究亮点)

[67] LinboLiu, Ke Chen*, Di Huang, Xin Wang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Anovel ‘leadless’ dielectrophoresis chip with dot matrix electrodes forpatterning nanowires, Nanotechnology, 2017,28(28):285302(SCIIF=3.5, 正封面论文,英国皇家物理学会旗下nanotechweb.org网站专题报道)

[68] Xinjie Zhang,Zhixian Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, Hong Yi*. Inexpensive, rapidfabrication of polymer-film microfluidic autoregulatory valve for disposablemicrofluidics, Biomedical Microdevices, 2017,19(2):21 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[69]Wenlai Tang, Dezhi Tang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, Hong Yi*. Aportable single-cell analysis system integrating hydrodynamic trapping withbroadband impedance spectroscopy, Science China-TechnologicalSciences, 2017, 60(11):1707-1715 (SCI, IF=4.6)

[70] Nan Xiang*, Qing Dai, Zhonghua Ni*. Multi-train elasto-inertial particlefocusing in straight microfluidic channels, Applied Physics Letters,2016, 109(13):134101 (SCI, IF=4)

[71]Xinjie Zhang, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A microfluidicgas damper for stabilizing gas pressure in portable microfluidic systems, Biomicrofluidics,2016, 10(5):054123 (SCI, IF=3.2)

[72] Nan Xiang*, Xinjie Zhang, Qing Dai, Jie Cheng, Ke Chen, ZhonghuaNi*. Fundamentals of elasto-inertial particle focusing in curvedmicrofluidic channels, Lab on a Chip, 2016,16(14):2626-2635(SCIIF=6.1, 背封面论文)

[73] Nan Xiang*, Di Huang, Jie Cheng, Ke Chen, Xinjie Zhang, Wenlai Tang, ZhonghuaNi*. Focusing dynamics of finite-sized particles in confined microfluidicchannels, Applied Physics Express, 2016, 9(2):027001 (SCI,IF=2.3)

[74]Di Huang, Xin Shi, Yi Qian, Wenlai Tang, Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Rapid separation of human breast cancer cells from blood using a simplespiral channel device, Analytical Methods, 2016, 8(30):5940-5948 (SCI, IF=3.1)

[75]Di Jiang, Wenlai Tang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Numericalsimulation of particle focusing in a symmetrical serpentine microchannel, RSCAdvances, 2016,6(62): 57647-57657 (SCI, IF=3.9)

[76]Xinjie Zhang, Xin Wang, Ke Chen, Jie Cheng, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Passive flow regulator for precise high-throughput flow rate control inmicrofluidic environments, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(38):31639-31646 (SCI, IF=3.9)

[77]Xinjie Zhang, Di Huang, Wenlai Tang, Di Jiang, Ke Chen, Hong Yi, NanXiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A low cost and quasi-commercial polymer film chip forhigh-throughput inertial cell isolation, RSC Advances, 2016,6(12): 9734-9742 (SCI, IF=3.9)

[78] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput blood cell focusing and plasmaisolation using spiral inertial microfluidic devices, Biomedical Microdevices, 2015, 17(6): 110-121 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[79]Nan Xiang, Zhiguo Shi, Wenlai Tang, Di Huang, Xinjie Zhang, ZhonghuaNi*. Improved understanding of particle migration modes in spiral inertialmicrofluidic devices, RSC Advances, 2015,5(94):77264-77273 (SCI, IF=3.9)

[80]Xinjie Zhang#, Nan Xiang#(共同一作), Wenlai Tang, Di Huang, Xin Wang,Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*. A passive flow regulator with low threshold pressure forhigh-throughput inertial isolation of microbeads, Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15(17): 3473-3480 (SCIIF=6.1, 正封面论文)

[81] Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Qing Dai, Di Jiang, Dongke Sun, Zhonghua Ni*. Inertia-inducedfocusing dynamics of microparticles throughout a curved microfluidicchannel, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2015, 18(1):29-39 (SCI, IF=2.8)

[82]Nan Xiang, Hong Yi, Ke Chen, Dongke Sun, Di Jiang, Qing Dai, ZhonghuaNi*. High-throughput inertial particle focusing in a curved microchannel:Insights into the flow-rate regulation mechanism and process model, Biomicrofluidics,2013, 7(4): 044116(SCI, IF=3.2)

[83]Nan Xiang, Hong Yi, Ke Chen, Shanfang Wang, Zhonghua Ni*. Investigationof the maskless lithography technique for the rapid and cost-effectiveprototyping of microfluidic devices in laboratories, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2013, 23(2): 025016 (SCI, IF=2.3)

[84] Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Dongke Sun, Shanfang Wang, Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*.Quantitative characterization of the focusing process and dynamic behaviorofdifferently sized microparticles in a spiral microchannel, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2013, 14(1-2): 89-99 (SCI, IF=2.8)

        [85] Nan Xiang, Xiaolu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni*.Application of Inertial Effect in Microfluidic Chips, Progress in Chemistry, 2011, 23(9): 1945-1958 (SCI, IF=1.3)

Professional Experience
Research Interests


(1) 项楠、倪中华、张睿、石欣、李峤,一种机械驱动的精确进样装置,申请号:ZL201810346348.4,授权公告日:2021.03.19发明授权

(2) 项楠、蒋丰韬、倪中华,三维螺旋结构细胞分选微流控芯片及其制作方法,申请号:ZL201810268556.7,授权公告日:2020.09.11发明授权

(3) 项楠、倪中华,注射器流量稳定装置,申请号:ZL201710816183.8,授权公告日:2020.07.31发明授权

(4) 项楠、倪中华,一种分选细胞的微流控器件及其使用方法,申请号:ZL 201710872818.6,授权公告日:2020.07.31 发明授权

(5) 项楠、倪中华、张睿、姜恒、郑宇,微米粒子高通量富集微流控芯片,申请号:ZL201711248886.1,授权公告日:2020.05.19发明授权

(6) 项楠、王欣、倪中华、陈科,一种基于光诱导介电泳技术和纳米孔的DNA测序装置和测序方法,申请号:ZL 201710238945.0,授权公告日:2019.07.30发明授权

(7) 项楠、倪中华、朱志贤、张鑫杰,一种肿瘤细胞高通量分选富集微流控芯片,申请号:ZL201710227189.1,授权公告日:2019.06.21发明授权

(8) 项楠、倪中华,微流控注射器滤头及其使用方法,申请号:ZL201710816147.1,授权公告日:2019.06.21发明授权

(9) 项楠、倪中华、郑宇、姜恒,一种能实现细胞中心位置聚焦和检测的微流控芯片,申请号:ZL201710153375.5,授权公告日:2019.05.24发明授权

(10) 项楠、蒋丰韬、倪中华,一种微流控移液器枪头,申请号:ZL201710461769.7,授权公告日:2019.04.30发明授权

(11) 项楠、倪中华、姜恒、郑宇,一种高通量微米粒子循环分选与浓缩装置及其制作方法,申请号:ZL201710235635.3,授权公告日:2019.03.12发明授权

(12) 项楠、王欣、倪中华、陈科,一种制作银纳米线柔性透明导电薄膜的方法,申请号:ZL201710126436.9,授权公告日:2018.04.24发明授权

(13) 项楠、倪中华、易红、陈云飞、陈科、孙东科,一种微米级粒子高通量分选的微流控器件及其制作方法,申请号:ZL201110407831.7,授权公告日:2014.05.07发明授权


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