
秦龙辉 Longhui Qin副教授硕士生导师,博士生导师

截止目前,在机器人传感、数据融合和力学优化等领域内的国际权威期刊《Sensorsand Actuators A: Physical》、《Neural Computing and Applications》、《IEEE Sensors Journal》、《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》、《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering》、《International Journalof Solids and Structures》发表学术论文30余篇(其中SCI收录27篇,EI论文2篇),申请及授权发明专利10项。




Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Longhui_Qin2

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?user=3BWZIkYAAAAJ&hl=en

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0070-8650

Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/2372038/longhui-qin/


  Up to now, Longhui Qin has published about 30 academic papers (27 SCI-indexed and 2 EI-indexed papers) on several reputable journals, e.g., 'Sensorsand Actuators A: Physical', 'Neural Computing and Applications', 'IEEE Sensors Journal', 'Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization', 'Journal of Applied Mechanics' etc. In addition, he has applied for 10 patents.

  Welcome to contact me if you are interested in Tactile Sensing, Dexterous Hand, Robotic intelligent sensing and manipulation, Artificitial intelligent algoorithms, Design of mechatronic systems, and soft robotics etc.


(1) 2021-1至现在, 东南大学, js3845金沙线路, 副教授

(2) 2018-72020-11, 加州大学洛杉矶分校,博士后学者

(3) 2017-32018-6,南洋理工大学, 博士后研究员

(1) Working as an Associate Professor in School of Mechanical Engineering at Southeast University from 2021.01 to now.

(2) Working as a Postdoc Scholar in School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of California Los Angeles from 2018.07 to 2020.11.

(3) Working as a Research Fellow in School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University from 2017.03 to 2018.06.




《The Principle of Micro-computers and Applications》

《Robotics and Applications》



International Journalfor Numerical Methods in Engineering, 

Structural and MultidisciplinaryOptimization

IEEE Access, 

IEEE Sensor Conference, 


Applied Acoustics,

Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

Measurement Science and Technology, 

IEEE/CAA Journalof Automatica Sinica, 

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement,




Frontiers in Neurorobotics







美国物理协会(American physical society, APS)会员;

国际仿生工程协会(InternationalSociety of Bionic Engineering, ISBE)会员;




Longhui Qin, Dezhong Tong, Weicheng Huang, M. Khalid Jawed,‘Robust Physics-based Scheme for Robotic Deployment of Elastic Ropes’, Winnerof the 2020 MAE Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) poster contest by UCLA, Mar 06,2020. https://www.mae.ucla.edu/ucla-mae-2020-poster-competition-winners-announced/UCLA机械学院2020年科研项目展示最佳墙报奖)


1.论文(Published Paper)

  •    Dezhong Tong, Andrew Choi, LonghuiQin*, Weicheng Huang, Jungseock Joo and Mohammad Khalid Jawed*, Sim2RealNeural Controllers for Physics-Based Robotic Deployment of Deformable LinearObjects, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2023. (通讯作者)

  •         Longhui Qin, Haijun Peng, Xiaonan Huang, Mingchao Liu; WeichengHuang; Modeling and Simulation of Dynamics in Soft Robotics: a Review of NumericalApproaches, Current Robotics Reports, 2023.

  •            Xiaowei Shi; Yihua Wang; LonghuiQin*; Surface Recognition with a Bioinspired Tactile Fingertip, IEEESensors Journal, 2023. (In press, 通讯作者)

  •        Longhui Qin*; Xiaowei Shi; Yihua Wang; ZhitongZhou; Perception of Static and Dynamic Forces with a Bio-inspired TactileFingertip, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 20: 1544–1554, 2023.

  •        Yihua Wang, Dazhou Chai, Jiatong Zhang,Wenhui Bao, Ruiru Li, Longhui Qin*; A Contour Extraction Method for Garment Recognition based on ImprovedSegmentation and Gabor Filter, 17th International Symposium on Visual Computing, San Diego, CA, USA, October 3-5, 2022.(通讯作者)

  • Weicheng Huang; DongzeHe; Dezhong Tong; Yuzhen Chen*; Xiaonan Huang*; Longhui Qin*; QingguoFei*; Static Analysis of Elastic Cable Structures under Mechanical Load usingDiscrete Catenary Theory. Fundamental Research, 2022, 2667-3258.(通讯作者)

  • 申慧敏;葛瑞康;葛迪;李炳初;甘屹;秦龙辉;杨骞;基于肩部协同运动特征的康复外骨骼设计与人机相容性分析,机械工程学报2022.

  • Longhui Qin; Jianxiong Zhu; Weicheng Huang*; A bottom-upoptimization method for inverse design of two-dimensional clamped-free elasticrods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022,1-17. 

  • Weicheng Huang; LonghuiQin; and Qiang Chen*; Numerical exploration on snap buckling of apre-stressed hemispherical gridshell. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2021,89(1): 011005.

  • Weicheng Huang; ChaoMa; Longhui Qin*; Snap-through Behaviors of a Pre-deformed Ribbon underMidpoint Loadings, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2021,232: 111184.(通讯作者)

  • Chao Ma; Gang Li; LonghuiQin; Weicheng Huang; Hongrui Zhang; Wenfeng Liu; Tianyu Dong*; Sheng-Tao Li;Analytical Model of Micropyramidal Capacitive Pressure Sensors andMachine-Learning-Assisted Design. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021.

  • Jianxiong Zhu*; LonghuiQin; Yongzhe Li; Bilateral multi-impact oscillators for cantilever energy harvesting enhancement. International Journal of Green Energy, 2021.

  • LonghuiQin; Yilei Zhang*; A Reference Spike Train based NeurocomputingMethod for Enhanced Tactile Discrimination of Surface Roughness. NeuralComputing and Applications, 2021, 33:14793–14807.

  • Weicheng Huang; Longhui Qin; Khalid Jawed*; Numerical Method for Direct Solution to Form-Finding Problemin Convex Gridshell, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2021, 88(2): 021012 (共一).

  • Longhui Qin; Weicheng Huang; Yayun Du;Luocheng Zheng; Khalid Jawed*; Genetic algorithm-based inverse design of elastic gridshells, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization2020, 62: 2691–2707.

  • Longhui Qin; Yilei Zhang*; Roughness discrimination with bio-inspired tactile sensor manually sliding on polished surfaces, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2018, 279: 433-441.

  • Liang Hu; Zehua Fang; Longhui Qin; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu*; Modelling of Received Ultrasonic Signals Based on Variable Frequency Analysis, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2018, 55: 1–12.

  • Longhui Qin; Zhengkun Yi; Yilei Zhang*; Unsupervised surface roughness discrimination based on bio-inspired artificial fingertip, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2018, 269: 483-490.

  • Longhui Qin; Yilei Zhang*; Surface Roughness Discrimination Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms, ICMLA 2017(the IEEE 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications)Cancun, Mexico2017.

  • Longhui Qin; Zhengkun Yi; Yilei Zhang*; Enhanced surface roughness discrimination with optimized features from bio-inspired tactile sensor, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2017, 264: 133-140.

  • Zehua Fang, Liang Hu*; Longhui Qin; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu; Estimation of ultrasonic signal onset for flow measurement, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, vol. 55, pp. 1–12, 2017.

  • Longhui Qin; Liang Hu*; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu; Flowrate Determination for Arbitrary Multipath Arrangement Based on Generalized Inverse of Matrix, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017, 17(12): 3625–3634.

  • Longhui Qin; Liang Hu*; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu; Flow profile identification with multipath transducers, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2016, 52: 148–156.

  • Longhui Qin; Liang Hu*; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu, Application of extreme learning machine to gas flow measurement with multipathacoustic transducers, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,2016, 49: 31–39.

  • Liang Hu; Longhui Qin; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu*;Optimization of Neural Network by Genetic Algorithm for Flowrate Determination in Multipath Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, 16(5):1158–1167.

  • Huimin Shen; Liang Hu*; Longhui Qin; Xin Fu; Real-Time Orientation-Invariant Magnetic Localization and Sensor Calibration Based on Closed-Form Models, IEEE Magnetic Letters, 2015, 6: 1–4.

  • Longhui Qin, Zhuoyuan Tang, Liang Hu, Xin Fu, Peng Ye, Numerical Analysis of Transducer Installation Effect on Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 687-691, pp. 1019-1025, Nov. 2014.

2.参加的国际会议(International Conference)

  • Longui Qin,Yayun Du, Weicheng Huang, Mohammad Khalid Jawed, “Numerical Simulations for Physics-based Training of Robots for Manipulation of Flexible Rods”, APS March Meeting 2019 March 4-8, Boston, MA, 2019. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR19/Session/R56.7 (讲报)

  • DezhongTong, Longhui Qin, Yayun Du,Weicheng Huang, Mohammad Khalid Jawed, “Robust Physics-based Scheme for Robotic Deployment of Elastic Ropes”, Southern California Robotics Symposium, Caltech,April 27, 2019. http://scr2019.caltech.edu/

  • Longhui Qin,Tianyi Wang, Tonmoy Monsoor, Vwani Roychowdhury, M. Khalid Jawed,“Physics-based inverse design of elastic rods with deep neural network”,(Society of Engineering Science) SES2019, 56th Annual Technical Meeting,Washington University in St. Louis, October 13-15, 2019. https://ses2019.wustl.edu/ (讲报)

  • Longhui Qin, Weicheng Huang, M. Khalid Jawed, ‘Physics-based inverse design of elastic rods with deep neural network’, 1st Southern California Mechanics Workshop, San Diego, California, USA, Jan 18, 2020, https://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/caigroup/workshop?authuser=0(演讲报告)

  • Longhui Qin, “A Decoding Method for Spike Train Signals from Tactile Sensors”, 2021 InternationalConference on Sensors and Instruments (ICSI2021), Qingdao, China, May 28~30, 2021. (演讲报告)

  • Longhui Qin, ‘A Neuromorphic Approach to Roughness Discriminationwith A Bioinspired Fingertip’, The International Youth Conference of BionicScience and Engineering Conference 2021, IYCBSE2021, 线上, 2021-7-172021-7-18.(受邀报告)

  • Longhui Qin, ‘A Bio-inspired Tactile Sensor and Its ProcessingAlgorithm for Spike Signals’, International Workshop on Bionic Engineering 2021,IWBE 2021, 线上,2021-09-162021-09-17.(演讲报告)

Physics-basedtraining of robots for manipulation of ropes and clothes美国NSF



  • 秦龙辉,秦政旭,张恩源,蒋永康,李乐意. 一种四驱可移动式稳定操作机器人基座及其工作方式,专利号:,申请日期:2023926日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,杨文辉,黄炜成. 一种线驱动机械手指弯曲状态的检测方法及装置,专利号:202310904668.8,申请日期:2023724日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,杨文辉,黄炜成. 一种基于人工肌肉的线驱动柔性触觉仿生手指,专利号:202310830506.4,申请日期:202377日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,冯若昕,黄炜成. 一种基于传感器阵列的触觉感知手套,专利号:202310763802.7,申请日期:2023627日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,王逸华,柴大洲,张嘉桐,包文辉,李瑞茹. 基于摩尔邻域追踪算法和Gabor滤波器的轮廓图像提取方法,专利号:202210889506.7,申请日期:2022727日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,柴大洲,张嘉桐,包文辉,李瑞茹. 基于卷积神经网络的复杂背景下柔性易变形物体识别方法,专利号:202210890858.4,申请日期:2022727日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,张嘉桐,柴大洲,李瑞茹,包文辉. 一种基于参考区域二值化结果的图像轮廓提取方法,专利号:202210744151.2,申请日期:2022627日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,史晓微,黄炜成. 一种二维弹性绳的逆向设计方法,专利号:202210030474.5. 申请日期:20220112日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,神经脉冲信号的特征提取方法及设备,专利号:202110381484.9.申请日期:20210409日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 晓东龙辉胡亮,王利. 种气涡轮流量表系自校正方法,申请号201110338962.4 102393236B. 日期:20121121日,申请单位:浙江大

秦龙辉 Longhui Qin 触觉传感;机器视觉;人工智能;机器人;灵巧手
Personal Introduction

截止目前,在机器人传感、数据融合和力学优化等领域内的国际权威期刊《Sensorsand Actuators A: Physical》、《Neural Computing and Applications》、《IEEE Sensors Journal》、《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》、《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering》、《International Journalof Solids and Structures》发表学术论文30余篇(其中SCI收录27篇,EI论文2篇),申请及授权发明专利10项。




Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Longhui_Qin2

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?user=3BWZIkYAAAAJ&hl=en

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0070-8650

Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/2372038/longhui-qin/


  Up to now, Longhui Qin has published about 30 academic papers (27 SCI-indexed and 2 EI-indexed papers) on several reputable journals, e.g., 'Sensorsand Actuators A: Physical', 'Neural Computing and Applications', 'IEEE Sensors Journal', 'Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization', 'Journal of Applied Mechanics' etc. In addition, he has applied for 10 patents.

  Welcome to contact me if you are interested in Tactile Sensing, Dexterous Hand, Robotic intelligent sensing and manipulation, Artificitial intelligent algoorithms, Design of mechatronic systems, and soft robotics etc.

Educational Background

1.论文(Published Paper)

  •    Dezhong Tong, Andrew Choi, LonghuiQin*, Weicheng Huang, Jungseock Joo and Mohammad Khalid Jawed*, Sim2RealNeural Controllers for Physics-Based Robotic Deployment of Deformable LinearObjects, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2023. (通讯作者)

  •         Longhui Qin, Haijun Peng, Xiaonan Huang, Mingchao Liu; WeichengHuang; Modeling and Simulation of Dynamics in Soft Robotics: a Review of NumericalApproaches, Current Robotics Reports, 2023.

  •            Xiaowei Shi; Yihua Wang; LonghuiQin*; Surface Recognition with a Bioinspired Tactile Fingertip, IEEESensors Journal, 2023. (In press, 通讯作者)

  •        Longhui Qin*; Xiaowei Shi; Yihua Wang; ZhitongZhou; Perception of Static and Dynamic Forces with a Bio-inspired TactileFingertip, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 20: 1544–1554, 2023.

  •        Yihua Wang, Dazhou Chai, Jiatong Zhang,Wenhui Bao, Ruiru Li, Longhui Qin*; A Contour Extraction Method for Garment Recognition based on ImprovedSegmentation and Gabor Filter, 17th International Symposium on Visual Computing, San Diego, CA, USA, October 3-5, 2022.(通讯作者)

  • Weicheng Huang; DongzeHe; Dezhong Tong; Yuzhen Chen*; Xiaonan Huang*; Longhui Qin*; QingguoFei*; Static Analysis of Elastic Cable Structures under Mechanical Load usingDiscrete Catenary Theory. Fundamental Research, 2022, 2667-3258.(通讯作者)

  • 申慧敏;葛瑞康;葛迪;李炳初;甘屹;秦龙辉;杨骞;基于肩部协同运动特征的康复外骨骼设计与人机相容性分析,机械工程学报2022.

  • Longhui Qin; Jianxiong Zhu; Weicheng Huang*; A bottom-upoptimization method for inverse design of two-dimensional clamped-free elasticrods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022,1-17. 

  • Weicheng Huang; LonghuiQin; and Qiang Chen*; Numerical exploration on snap buckling of apre-stressed hemispherical gridshell. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2021,89(1): 011005.

  • Weicheng Huang; ChaoMa; Longhui Qin*; Snap-through Behaviors of a Pre-deformed Ribbon underMidpoint Loadings, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2021,232: 111184.(通讯作者)

  • Chao Ma; Gang Li; LonghuiQin; Weicheng Huang; Hongrui Zhang; Wenfeng Liu; Tianyu Dong*; Sheng-Tao Li;Analytical Model of Micropyramidal Capacitive Pressure Sensors andMachine-Learning-Assisted Design. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021.

  • Jianxiong Zhu*; LonghuiQin; Yongzhe Li; Bilateral multi-impact oscillators for cantilever energy harvesting enhancement. International Journal of Green Energy, 2021.

  • LonghuiQin; Yilei Zhang*; A Reference Spike Train based NeurocomputingMethod for Enhanced Tactile Discrimination of Surface Roughness. NeuralComputing and Applications, 2021, 33:14793–14807.

  • Weicheng Huang; Longhui Qin; Khalid Jawed*; Numerical Method for Direct Solution to Form-Finding Problemin Convex Gridshell, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2021, 88(2): 021012 (共一).

  • Longhui Qin; Weicheng Huang; Yayun Du;Luocheng Zheng; Khalid Jawed*; Genetic algorithm-based inverse design of elastic gridshells, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization2020, 62: 2691–2707.

  • Longhui Qin; Yilei Zhang*; Roughness discrimination with bio-inspired tactile sensor manually sliding on polished surfaces, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2018, 279: 433-441.

  • Liang Hu; Zehua Fang; Longhui Qin; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu*; Modelling of Received Ultrasonic Signals Based on Variable Frequency Analysis, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2018, 55: 1–12.

  • Longhui Qin; Zhengkun Yi; Yilei Zhang*; Unsupervised surface roughness discrimination based on bio-inspired artificial fingertip, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2018, 269: 483-490.

  • Longhui Qin; Yilei Zhang*; Surface Roughness Discrimination Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms, ICMLA 2017(the IEEE 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications)Cancun, Mexico2017.

  • Longhui Qin; Zhengkun Yi; Yilei Zhang*; Enhanced surface roughness discrimination with optimized features from bio-inspired tactile sensor, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2017, 264: 133-140.

  • Zehua Fang, Liang Hu*; Longhui Qin; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu; Estimation of ultrasonic signal onset for flow measurement, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, vol. 55, pp. 1–12, 2017.

  • Longhui Qin; Liang Hu*; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu; Flowrate Determination for Arbitrary Multipath Arrangement Based on Generalized Inverse of Matrix, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017, 17(12): 3625–3634.

  • Longhui Qin; Liang Hu*; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu; Flow profile identification with multipath transducers, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2016, 52: 148–156.

  • Longhui Qin; Liang Hu*; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu, Application of extreme learning machine to gas flow measurement with multipathacoustic transducers, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,2016, 49: 31–39.

  • Liang Hu; Longhui Qin; Kai Mao; Wenyu Chen; Xin Fu*;Optimization of Neural Network by Genetic Algorithm for Flowrate Determination in Multipath Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, 16(5):1158–1167.

  • Huimin Shen; Liang Hu*; Longhui Qin; Xin Fu; Real-Time Orientation-Invariant Magnetic Localization and Sensor Calibration Based on Closed-Form Models, IEEE Magnetic Letters, 2015, 6: 1–4.

  • Longhui Qin, Zhuoyuan Tang, Liang Hu, Xin Fu, Peng Ye, Numerical Analysis of Transducer Installation Effect on Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 687-691, pp. 1019-1025, Nov. 2014.

2.参加的国际会议(International Conference)

  • Longui Qin,Yayun Du, Weicheng Huang, Mohammad Khalid Jawed, “Numerical Simulations for Physics-based Training of Robots for Manipulation of Flexible Rods”, APS March Meeting 2019 March 4-8, Boston, MA, 2019. https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR19/Session/R56.7 (讲报)

  • DezhongTong, Longhui Qin, Yayun Du,Weicheng Huang, Mohammad Khalid Jawed, “Robust Physics-based Scheme for Robotic Deployment of Elastic Ropes”, Southern California Robotics Symposium, Caltech,April 27, 2019. http://scr2019.caltech.edu/

  • Longhui Qin,Tianyi Wang, Tonmoy Monsoor, Vwani Roychowdhury, M. Khalid Jawed,“Physics-based inverse design of elastic rods with deep neural network”,(Society of Engineering Science) SES2019, 56th Annual Technical Meeting,Washington University in St. Louis, October 13-15, 2019. https://ses2019.wustl.edu/ (讲报)

  • Longhui Qin, Weicheng Huang, M. Khalid Jawed, ‘Physics-based inverse design of elastic rods with deep neural network’, 1st Southern California Mechanics Workshop, San Diego, California, USA, Jan 18, 2020, https://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/caigroup/workshop?authuser=0(演讲报告)

  • Longhui Qin, “A Decoding Method for Spike Train Signals from Tactile Sensors”, 2021 InternationalConference on Sensors and Instruments (ICSI2021), Qingdao, China, May 28~30, 2021. (演讲报告)

  • Longhui Qin, ‘A Neuromorphic Approach to Roughness Discriminationwith A Bioinspired Fingertip’, The International Youth Conference of BionicScience and Engineering Conference 2021, IYCBSE2021, 线上, 2021-7-172021-7-18.(受邀报告)

  • Longhui Qin, ‘A Bio-inspired Tactile Sensor and Its ProcessingAlgorithm for Spike Signals’, International Workshop on Bionic Engineering 2021,IWBE 2021, 线上,2021-09-162021-09-17.(演讲报告)

Professional Experience






美国物理协会(American physical society, APS)会员;

国际仿生工程协会(InternationalSociety of Bionic Engineering, ISBE)会员;



Physics-basedtraining of robots for manipulation of ropes and clothes美国NSF



Research Interests
  • 秦龙辉,秦政旭,张恩源,蒋永康,李乐意. 一种四驱可移动式稳定操作机器人基座及其工作方式,专利号:,申请日期:2023926日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,杨文辉,黄炜成. 一种线驱动机械手指弯曲状态的检测方法及装置,专利号:202310904668.8,申请日期:2023724日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,杨文辉,黄炜成. 一种基于人工肌肉的线驱动柔性触觉仿生手指,专利号:202310830506.4,申请日期:202377日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,冯若昕,黄炜成. 一种基于传感器阵列的触觉感知手套,专利号:202310763802.7,申请日期:2023627日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,王逸华,柴大洲,张嘉桐,包文辉,李瑞茹. 基于摩尔邻域追踪算法和Gabor滤波器的轮廓图像提取方法,专利号:202210889506.7,申请日期:2022727日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,柴大洲,张嘉桐,包文辉,李瑞茹. 基于卷积神经网络的复杂背景下柔性易变形物体识别方法,专利号:202210890858.4,申请日期:2022727日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,张嘉桐,柴大洲,李瑞茹,包文辉. 一种基于参考区域二值化结果的图像轮廓提取方法,专利号:202210744151.2,申请日期:2022627日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,史晓微,黄炜成. 一种二维弹性绳的逆向设计方法,专利号:202210030474.5. 申请日期:20220112日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 秦龙辉,神经脉冲信号的特征提取方法及设备,专利号:202110381484.9.申请日期:20210409日,申请单位:东南大学

  • 晓东龙辉胡亮,王利. 种气涡轮流量表系自校正方法,申请号201110338962.4 102393236B. 日期:20121121日,申请单位:浙江大

Refereed Journals
Other Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Patents and Applications