

2021年12月毕业于美国普渡大学工业工程专业(制造方向),获博士学位,毕业后回国工作。在Science AdvancesMatterSmall MethodsCell Reports Physical Science等国际期刊发表学术论文20余篇,H指数为12(根据Google Scholar)。主要科研领域为:多物理场耦合下的高能束增材制造技术、跨尺度加工方法、先进微纳制造技术及相关应用研究。


2023/08-至今      东南大学      js3845金沙线路     上岗副研究员

2022/06-2023/03    武汉科技大学   材料与冶金学院    特任副教授




International Journal of Computational MaterialsScience and Surface Engineering

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy


2016.05   Early Career Scholar, EPMA 2016 Conference,Wisconsin-Madison

2014.12   国家留学基金委“优秀本科生交流项目”



1.        Liu,X.,An, L. Xiang, S. Jiang, H. Cheng, G.J. (2021). 3D MOF Nano-architectureMembrane via Ultrafast Laser Nanoforging. Small Methods, 5, 2100758. (第一作者,IF=15.367)

2.        Liu, X., Liu, Y., Huang, D., Han, Q., & Wang, X. (2017).Tailoring in-situ TiB2 particulates in aluminum matrix composites. MaterialsScience and Engineering: A705, 55-61. (第一作者IF=6.044)

3.        Jiang H., Liu, X., Zhu, M.,An, L., Luo, J., & Cheng, G. J. (2021) Nanoalloy Libraries from Laser InducedThermionic Emission Reduction. Science Advances, 8, eabm6541共同一作IF=14.957

4.        An L., Liu, X., Deng, B., JiangH., Cheng G. J., (2021). Liquid metal nanolayer-linked MOF nanocompositesby laser shock evaporation. Matter, 4, 12, 3977-3990. (共同一作IF=19.967)

5.        Motlag, M., Liu, X., Nurmalasari, N. P. D.,Jin, S., Nian, Q., Park, C., ... & Cheng, G. J. (2020). Molecular-ScaleNanodiamond with High-Density Color Centers Fabricated from Graphite by LaserShocking. Cell Reports Physical Science, 100054. 共同一作IF=7.832

6.        Xiang, S., Liu,X., An, L., Qu, H., & Cheng, G. J. (2023). Nanoengineered LaserShock Processing Via Pulse Shaping for Nanostructuring in Metals: MultiscaleSimulations and Experiments. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering145(8), 081006.

7.        Cheng, G.,Rahman, M. M., Allcca, A. L., Rustagi, A., Liu, X., Liu, L., ...& Chen, Y. P. (2023). Electrically tunable moiré magnetism in twisteddouble bilayers of chromium triiodide. Nature Electronics, 1-9.

8.        Lu, Y., Ma,F., Mao, J., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Liu, X., ... & Chen, R.(2023). Nickel-iron layered double hydroxide modified by NiS2/FeS2 withregulated electronic structure as a high-performance catalyst for oxygenevolution reaction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 170842.

9.        Xiang, S., Liu,X., Xu, R., Yin, F., & Cheng, G. (2022). Ultrahigh strength inlightweight steel via avalanche multiplication of intermetallic phases anddislocation. Acta Materialia, 118436.

10.     Xiang, S.,Liu, X., Xu,R., Zhao, K., Lin, D., Yin, F., Cheng, G.J. (2021) Understandingthe Role of Monolayer Graphene during Long Range Shock Strengthening of Metal-GrapheneHeterostructure Materials Science and Engineering:A. 837, 142741.

11.     An, L., Branco, D., Liu, X., Jiang,H., Wang, Ming., Xu, J., Zhang, R., Wu, W., &Cheng, G. Pulsed Laser Enabled Liquid-Solid Transfer forScalable Printing of Two-Dimensional Metal Oxide Thin Film. Matter. 6(4), 1203-1216.

12.     Xu, J., Xiang, S., Yi, C., Liu, X.,An, L., Wang, Z., Jiang, H., & Cheng, G. Green Production of Planar AlignedDense 2D Nano-oxides on CNT paper by Ultrafast Laser Induced High-PressurePhotochemistry for Stable High-rate LIB Anodes. Energy Material Advances. 4, 0012.

13.     Xu, J., Wang, R.,Jiang, H., Liu, X., An, L., Jin, S., ... & Cheng, G. J. (2021).Magnetically Aligned Ultrafine Cobalt Embedded 3D Porous Carbon Metamaterial byOne‐Step Ultrafast Laser Direct Writing. Advanced Science, 2102477.

14.     An, L.,Jiang, H., Branco, D. Liu, X., Xu, J., Deng, B., Cheng, G.J. (2021)Self-packaged High-resolution Liquid Metal Nano-patterns, Matter, 5(3),1016-1030.

15.     Shu, T., Liu, F., Chen, S., Liu, X.,Zhang, C., & Cheng, G. J. (2022). Origins of Ultrafast Pulse Laser-InducedNano Straight Lines with Potential Applications in Detecting Subsurface Defectsin Silicon Carbide Wafers. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 1-12.

16.     Guo, S., Song, C., Liu, F., Zeng, D.,Yuan, H., Liu, X., Jiang, H., and Cheng, G. J., (2021) BionicOptical Leaf for Photoreduction of CO2 from Noble Metal AtomMediated Graphene Nanobubble Arrays. ACS nano, 16(2), 1909-1918.

17.    Liu,J., Hu, Y., Kumar, P., Liu, X., Irudayaraj, J. M., & Cheng,G. J. Enhanced Energy Transfer from Nitrogen‐Vacancy Centers toThree‐Dimensional Graphene Heterostructures by Laser Nanoshaping. AdvancedOptical Materials, 2001830.

18.     Jiang, H., Jin, S.,Wang, C., Ma, R., Song, Y., Gao, M., Liu, X. Shen, A. Cheng, G.J.& Deng, H. (2019). Nanoscale laser metallurgy and patterning in air usingMOFs. Journal of the American Chemical Society141(13),5481-5489.

19.     Sun, Q., Liu, X., Han, Q., Li, J., Xu, R., &Zhao, K. (2018). A comparison of AA2024 and AA7150 subjected to ultrasonic shotpeening: Microstructure, surface segregation and corrosion. Surface andCoatings Technology337, 552-560.

20.     Sun, Q., Han, Q., Liu, X., Xu, W., & Li, J.(2017). The effect of surface contamination on corrosion performance of ultrasonicshot peened 7150 Al alloy. Surface and Coatings Technology328,469-479..

21.     Huang,H., Jiang, F., Liu, X. Zhou, J. Zhong, M. &Wei, L. (2015)Effects of Al3(Sc,Zr) particles and shear bands on the recrystallizationand fracture behaviors of Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals. 25(5), 1117-1127.In Chinese

22.     Huang, H., Jiang, F., Zhou, J., Wei, L., Zhong, M., & Liu,X. (2015) Hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution ofas-homogenized Al–6Mg–0.4 Mn–0.25 Sc–0.1 Zr alloy during compression at elevatedtemperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 644, 862-872.

23.     Jiang, F. Zhong, M., Huang, H. Lu, L. Liu, X.,Tong, Y. (2015) Research on microstructures of as-cast and homogenized large-sizeAl-6Mg-0.3(Sc, Zr) alloy ingot. Light AlloyFabrication Technology, 43(10), 24-29. (In Chinese)

24.     Sun, Q. Z., Yin, Y. B., Pan, J. Q., Chai, L.Y., Su, N., Liu, H., ... & Liu, X. T. (2016). pH-Dependenttwo novel heteronuclear Cu (II)/Sr (II) coordination polymers constructed from1, 3, 5-benzenetricarboxylic acid: Synthesis, crystal structures andproperties. Journal of Molecular Structure1106, 64-69.


1.        Liu, X., Liu, Y., Yan, D., Han, Q., & Wang, X. (2017). AluminumAlloys with Tailored TiB2 Particles for Composite Applications. In LightMetals 2017 (pp. 181-186). Springer International Publishing.

2.        Wang, X., & Liu, X. (2018, March). PhaseFormation of Monotectic Al–In and Al–Ga–In Alloys and Implications Thereof.In TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (pp. 279-283).Springer, Cham.

3.        Ma, H., Liu, X., Wang, X.(2016) The effect of zirconium on the growth of Al3Ti and TiB2 particles in aluminum alloys. Proceedings of Materials Science and Technology 2016, (MS&T16),Salt Lake City, Utah USA, 263-270.


刘兴涛 高能束增材制造
Personal Introduction

2021年12月毕业于美国普渡大学工业工程专业(制造方向),获博士学位,毕业后回国工作。在Science AdvancesMatterSmall MethodsCell Reports Physical Science等国际期刊发表学术论文20余篇,H指数为12(根据Google Scholar)。主要科研领域为:多物理场耦合下的高能束增材制造技术、跨尺度加工方法、先进微纳制造技术及相关应用研究。

Educational Background


1.        Liu,X.,An, L. Xiang, S. Jiang, H. Cheng, G.J. (2021). 3D MOF Nano-architectureMembrane via Ultrafast Laser Nanoforging. Small Methods, 5, 2100758. (第一作者,IF=15.367)

2.        Liu, X., Liu, Y., Huang, D., Han, Q., & Wang, X. (2017).Tailoring in-situ TiB2 particulates in aluminum matrix composites. MaterialsScience and Engineering: A705, 55-61. (第一作者IF=6.044)

3.        Jiang H., Liu, X., Zhu, M.,An, L., Luo, J., & Cheng, G. J. (2021) Nanoalloy Libraries from Laser InducedThermionic Emission Reduction. Science Advances, 8, eabm6541共同一作IF=14.957

4.        An L., Liu, X., Deng, B., JiangH., Cheng G. J., (2021). Liquid metal nanolayer-linked MOF nanocompositesby laser shock evaporation. Matter, 4, 12, 3977-3990. (共同一作IF=19.967)

5.        Motlag, M., Liu, X., Nurmalasari, N. P. D.,Jin, S., Nian, Q., Park, C., ... & Cheng, G. J. (2020). Molecular-ScaleNanodiamond with High-Density Color Centers Fabricated from Graphite by LaserShocking. Cell Reports Physical Science, 100054. 共同一作IF=7.832

6.        Xiang, S., Liu,X., An, L., Qu, H., & Cheng, G. J. (2023). Nanoengineered LaserShock Processing Via Pulse Shaping for Nanostructuring in Metals: MultiscaleSimulations and Experiments. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering145(8), 081006.

7.        Cheng, G.,Rahman, M. M., Allcca, A. L., Rustagi, A., Liu, X., Liu, L., ...& Chen, Y. P. (2023). Electrically tunable moiré magnetism in twisteddouble bilayers of chromium triiodide. Nature Electronics, 1-9.

8.        Lu, Y., Ma,F., Mao, J., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Liu, X., ... & Chen, R.(2023). Nickel-iron layered double hydroxide modified by NiS2/FeS2 withregulated electronic structure as a high-performance catalyst for oxygenevolution reaction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 170842.

9.        Xiang, S., Liu,X., Xu, R., Yin, F., & Cheng, G. (2022). Ultrahigh strength inlightweight steel via avalanche multiplication of intermetallic phases anddislocation. Acta Materialia, 118436.

10.     Xiang, S.,Liu, X., Xu,R., Zhao, K., Lin, D., Yin, F., Cheng, G.J. (2021) Understandingthe Role of Monolayer Graphene during Long Range Shock Strengthening of Metal-GrapheneHeterostructure Materials Science and Engineering:A. 837, 142741.

11.     An, L., Branco, D., Liu, X., Jiang,H., Wang, Ming., Xu, J., Zhang, R., Wu, W., &Cheng, G. Pulsed Laser Enabled Liquid-Solid Transfer forScalable Printing of Two-Dimensional Metal Oxide Thin Film. Matter. 6(4), 1203-1216.

12.     Xu, J., Xiang, S., Yi, C., Liu, X.,An, L., Wang, Z., Jiang, H., & Cheng, G. Green Production of Planar AlignedDense 2D Nano-oxides on CNT paper by Ultrafast Laser Induced High-PressurePhotochemistry for Stable High-rate LIB Anodes. Energy Material Advances. 4, 0012.

13.     Xu, J., Wang, R.,Jiang, H., Liu, X., An, L., Jin, S., ... & Cheng, G. J. (2021).Magnetically Aligned Ultrafine Cobalt Embedded 3D Porous Carbon Metamaterial byOne‐Step Ultrafast Laser Direct Writing. Advanced Science, 2102477.

14.     An, L.,Jiang, H., Branco, D. Liu, X., Xu, J., Deng, B., Cheng, G.J. (2021)Self-packaged High-resolution Liquid Metal Nano-patterns, Matter, 5(3),1016-1030.

15.     Shu, T., Liu, F., Chen, S., Liu, X.,Zhang, C., & Cheng, G. J. (2022). Origins of Ultrafast Pulse Laser-InducedNano Straight Lines with Potential Applications in Detecting Subsurface Defectsin Silicon Carbide Wafers. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 1-12.

16.     Guo, S., Song, C., Liu, F., Zeng, D.,Yuan, H., Liu, X., Jiang, H., and Cheng, G. J., (2021) BionicOptical Leaf for Photoreduction of CO2 from Noble Metal AtomMediated Graphene Nanobubble Arrays. ACS nano, 16(2), 1909-1918.

17.    Liu,J., Hu, Y., Kumar, P., Liu, X., Irudayaraj, J. M., & Cheng,G. J. Enhanced Energy Transfer from Nitrogen‐Vacancy Centers toThree‐Dimensional Graphene Heterostructures by Laser Nanoshaping. AdvancedOptical Materials, 2001830.

18.     Jiang, H., Jin, S.,Wang, C., Ma, R., Song, Y., Gao, M., Liu, X. Shen, A. Cheng, G.J.& Deng, H. (2019). Nanoscale laser metallurgy and patterning in air usingMOFs. Journal of the American Chemical Society141(13),5481-5489.

19.     Sun, Q., Liu, X., Han, Q., Li, J., Xu, R., &Zhao, K. (2018). A comparison of AA2024 and AA7150 subjected to ultrasonic shotpeening: Microstructure, surface segregation and corrosion. Surface andCoatings Technology337, 552-560.

20.     Sun, Q., Han, Q., Liu, X., Xu, W., & Li, J.(2017). The effect of surface contamination on corrosion performance of ultrasonicshot peened 7150 Al alloy. Surface and Coatings Technology328,469-479..

21.     Huang,H., Jiang, F., Liu, X. Zhou, J. Zhong, M. &Wei, L. (2015)Effects of Al3(Sc,Zr) particles and shear bands on the recrystallizationand fracture behaviors of Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals. 25(5), 1117-1127.In Chinese

22.     Huang, H., Jiang, F., Zhou, J., Wei, L., Zhong, M., & Liu,X. (2015) Hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution ofas-homogenized Al–6Mg–0.4 Mn–0.25 Sc–0.1 Zr alloy during compression at elevatedtemperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 644, 862-872.

23.     Jiang, F. Zhong, M., Huang, H. Lu, L. Liu, X.,Tong, Y. (2015) Research on microstructures of as-cast and homogenized large-sizeAl-6Mg-0.3(Sc, Zr) alloy ingot. Light AlloyFabrication Technology, 43(10), 24-29. (In Chinese)

24.     Sun, Q. Z., Yin, Y. B., Pan, J. Q., Chai, L.Y., Su, N., Liu, H., ... & Liu, X. T. (2016). pH-Dependenttwo novel heteronuclear Cu (II)/Sr (II) coordination polymers constructed from1, 3, 5-benzenetricarboxylic acid: Synthesis, crystal structures andproperties. Journal of Molecular Structure1106, 64-69.


1.        Liu, X., Liu, Y., Yan, D., Han, Q., & Wang, X. (2017). AluminumAlloys with Tailored TiB2 Particles for Composite Applications. In LightMetals 2017 (pp. 181-186). Springer International Publishing.

2.        Wang, X., & Liu, X. (2018, March). PhaseFormation of Monotectic Al–In and Al–Ga–In Alloys and Implications Thereof.In TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (pp. 279-283).Springer, Cham.

3.        Ma, H., Liu, X., Wang, X.(2016) The effect of zirconium on the growth of Al3Ti and TiB2 particles in aluminum alloys. Proceedings of Materials Science and Technology 2016, (MS&T16),Salt Lake City, Utah USA, 263-270.


Professional Experience
Research Interests
Refereed Journals
Other Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Patents and Applications