

20215月毕业于美国维拉诺瓦大学机械工程专业,被评选为维拉诺瓦大学工程学院2021年度优秀博士毕业生(每年仅授予一人)同年入职js3845金沙线路。主要从事深度学习优化设计、流体力学、生物力学等领域的相关研究目前,在国内外期刊上发表SCI/EI论文20余篇,其中一作/共同一作12篇,获取美国发明专利授权1项。两篇一作文章被Physics of Fluids评选为Featured Article。受邀在美国物理协会举办的流体年会上做特邀报告,多次获得来自美国机械工程师协会,美国摩擦与润滑协会等国际组织机构的荣誉。获得华为价值火花奖。 研究工作被包括英国每日邮报、美国工程教育协会、Physics World、经济学人等全球百余家科技期刊和大众媒体广泛报道。








1.深度学习优化设计; 2. 流体力学;3. 生物力学; 4. 脑震荡损伤机理;5. 多孔介质流动

Physics of Fluids

Physical Review E

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering

Journal of Porous Media

International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2020(IMECE2020) conference


华为价值火花奖 2024

江苏省教学创新大赛 二等奖 2024

东南大学第31届青年教师授课竞赛 二等奖 2023

2021 College of Engineering Outstanding DoctoralStudent Award,2021/04



Featured Article2021/02

论文“Cavitation CausesBrain Injury” 被期刊Physics of Fluids 评选为最佳论文


Featured Article2020/12

论文“How to Deform an EggYolk? On the Study of the Soft Matter Deformation in a Liquid Environment” 被期刊Physics of Fluids 评选为最佳论文


Meeting Highlights,2020/11

学术报告How to deform an egg yolk? The Mechanism ofConcussive Brain Injury”被美国物理协会流体分会 (73rd AnnualMeeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Chicago, U.S., Virtual, Nov.21-23, 2020.)评选为推荐报告


Most Enthusiastic Presenter2020/11

美国机械工程学会(2020 ASME InternationalMechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition),最佳演说奖,网络会议,美国


First Place of Technical Excellence in E-Week Graduate Poster Competition,2020/02



Advancesin Biotechnology Awards2019/11

美国机械工程学会(2019 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress &Exposition),生物技术进步奖,盐湖城,犹他州,美国


Lilly Teaching Conference Travel Fellowship2019/05

维拉诺瓦大学颁发,Lilly Conference(Bethesda, MD, US 2019)教育研讨会旅行奖学金


STLE Philadelphia Section Scholarship2018/08

美国摩擦与润滑工程师协会(Societyof Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers)奖学金


APS Student Travel Award2016/11

美国物理协会(American Physical Society, APS,)颁发,69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (Portland, OR,US 2016) 旅行奖学金




17.J. Lang*, G. Zhao, Q. Wang, Z. Ni*, Q. Wu*. Pulsatile Soft Lubrication: How Fibrous Boundaries Facilitate Blood Flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q2]

16.J. Lang, L. Wang, Q. Wu. Modeling of Periodical Shearing Flow in a Fibrous Space with Applications in Shear-induced Brain Injury. Physics of Fluids, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]

15.J. Lang*, Q. Wang. Theoretical modeling of squeezing flow in porous media under arbitrary boundary velocity. Tribology International, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]

14.J. Lang, Q. Wang, S. Tong. Investigation of Heat Source Layout Optimization by Using Deep Learning Surrogate Models. ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q3]

13.J. Lang, R. Nathan, D. Zhou, X. Zhang, B. Li, andQ. Wu. Cavitation Causes Brain Injury. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33:031908. [选为最佳论文(Featured Article),SCI, JCR分区: Q1]


12.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. Howto deform an egg yolk? On the Study of the Soft Matter Deformation in a LiquidEnvironment. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 011903. [选为最佳论文(Featured Article), 被全球百余家主流以及科技媒体广泛报导, SCI, JCR分区Q1]

11.J. Lang, L. Wang, Q. Wu. Theoretical study ofoscillating squeezing flow through a porous medium. Tribology International,2021;162:107110. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


10.J. Lang, and Q. Wu. Modeling of the Transient Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow underExternal Impacts. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2021, 87, 171–179. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]

9.D. Zhou, J. Lang, N. Yoo, Q. Wu,and B. Li. “Fluid guided CVD growth for large-scale monolayer two-dimensionalmaterials”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020;12:26342–9. [共同一作, SCI, JCR分区Q1]

8.L. Zhu, J. Lang, D. Zhou, B. Li, and Q. Wu. “Fluid-assistedSorted Assembly of Graphene on Polymer”. Langmuir, 2020, 36, 20, 5608–5617. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]


7.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. “Theoretical andExperimental Study of Transient Squeezing Flow in a Highly Porous Media”.Tribology International, 2019, 135C: 259-268. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


6.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. “Experimental Studyof Transient Squeezing Film Flow”. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2019, 141(8):081110. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]

5.J. Lang, S. Santhanam, and Q. Wu. “Exact and Approximate Solutions for TransientSqueezing Flow”. Physics of Fluids, 29.10 (2017): 103606. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


4.J.Muller, D. Middleton, M. Alizadeh, G. Zabrecky, N. Wintering, A. J. Bazzan, J.Lang,  C. Wu, D. Monti, Q. Wu,A. Newberg, and F. Mohamed.HybridDiffusion Imaging Reveals Altered White Matter Tract Integrity and Associationswith Symptoms and Cognitive Dysfunction in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury. NeuroImage: Clinical 2021:102681. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]


3.郎骥, 杨建刚, 曹浩. “可倾/固定密封内流体激振力计算与试验比较”. 机械工程学报. 2013; 49(3): 101-105. [EI]


2.郎骥, 杨建刚, 曹浩, 田永伟. “滑动轴承热效应分析及流场等效温度的合理确定”. 润滑与密封. 2012; 37(10): 70-73. [核心]


1.李志刚, 郎骥, 李军, 丰镇平. ”迷宫密封泄漏特性试验研究”. 西安交通大学学报, 2011, 45(3): 141-147. [EI]

  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,2023.1-2025.12,主持。

  2. 江苏省科技厅,青年项目2022.07-2025.07,主持。

  3. 中央高校科研经费2022-2023,主持。

  4. 2023南京市留学人员科技创新择优资助计划(B类),主持。

  5. 美国自然科学基金项目2020.07-2023.06,参与

  6. 国家重点研发项目,2024-2027,骨干


1. Q. Wu, J. Lang. “Apparatus for Examining Brain Injury, Method of Making and Method of Using the Same”. U.S. Patent 2023/0139872 A1, May 4, 2023. 

郎骥 深度学习优化设计,流体力学,生物力学
Personal Introduction

20215月毕业于美国维拉诺瓦大学机械工程专业,被评选为维拉诺瓦大学工程学院2021年度优秀博士毕业生(每年仅授予一人)同年入职js3845金沙线路。主要从事深度学习优化设计、流体力学、生物力学等领域的相关研究目前,在国内外期刊上发表SCI/EI论文20余篇,其中一作/共同一作12篇,获取美国发明专利授权1项。两篇一作文章被Physics of Fluids评选为Featured Article。受邀在美国物理协会举办的流体年会上做特邀报告,多次获得来自美国机械工程师协会,美国摩擦与润滑协会等国际组织机构的荣誉。获得华为价值火花奖。 研究工作被包括英国每日邮报、美国工程教育协会、Physics World、经济学人等全球百余家科技期刊和大众媒体广泛报道。


Educational Background


17.J. Lang*, G. Zhao, Q. Wang, Z. Ni*, Q. Wu*. Pulsatile Soft Lubrication: How Fibrous Boundaries Facilitate Blood Flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q2]

16.J. Lang, L. Wang, Q. Wu. Modeling of Periodical Shearing Flow in a Fibrous Space with Applications in Shear-induced Brain Injury. Physics of Fluids, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]

15.J. Lang*, Q. Wang. Theoretical modeling of squeezing flow in porous media under arbitrary boundary velocity. Tribology International, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]

14.J. Lang, Q. Wang, S. Tong. Investigation of Heat Source Layout Optimization by Using Deep Learning Surrogate Models. ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024. [SCI, JCR分区: Q3]

13.J. Lang, R. Nathan, D. Zhou, X. Zhang, B. Li, andQ. Wu. Cavitation Causes Brain Injury. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33:031908. [选为最佳论文(Featured Article),SCI, JCR分区: Q1]


12.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. Howto deform an egg yolk? On the Study of the Soft Matter Deformation in a LiquidEnvironment. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 011903. [选为最佳论文(Featured Article), 被全球百余家主流以及科技媒体广泛报导, SCI, JCR分区Q1]

11.J. Lang, L. Wang, Q. Wu. Theoretical study ofoscillating squeezing flow through a porous medium. Tribology International,2021;162:107110. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


10.J. Lang, and Q. Wu. Modeling of the Transient Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow underExternal Impacts. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2021, 87, 171–179. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]

9.D. Zhou, J. Lang, N. Yoo, Q. Wu,and B. Li. “Fluid guided CVD growth for large-scale monolayer two-dimensionalmaterials”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020;12:26342–9. [共同一作, SCI, JCR分区Q1]

8.L. Zhu, J. Lang, D. Zhou, B. Li, and Q. Wu. “Fluid-assistedSorted Assembly of Graphene on Polymer”. Langmuir, 2020, 36, 20, 5608–5617. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]


7.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. “Theoretical andExperimental Study of Transient Squeezing Flow in a Highly Porous Media”.Tribology International, 2019, 135C: 259-268. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


6.J. Lang, R. Nathan, and Q. Wu. “Experimental Studyof Transient Squeezing Film Flow”. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2019, 141(8):081110. [SCI, JCR分区Q2]

5.J. Lang, S. Santhanam, and Q. Wu. “Exact and Approximate Solutions for TransientSqueezing Flow”. Physics of Fluids, 29.10 (2017): 103606. [SCI, JCR分区Q1]


4.J.Muller, D. Middleton, M. Alizadeh, G. Zabrecky, N. Wintering, A. J. Bazzan, J.Lang,  C. Wu, D. Monti, Q. Wu,A. Newberg, and F. Mohamed.HybridDiffusion Imaging Reveals Altered White Matter Tract Integrity and Associationswith Symptoms and Cognitive Dysfunction in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury. NeuroImage: Clinical 2021:102681. [SCI, JCR分区: Q1]


3.郎骥, 杨建刚, 曹浩. “可倾/固定密封内流体激振力计算与试验比较”. 机械工程学报. 2013; 49(3): 101-105. [EI]


2.郎骥, 杨建刚, 曹浩, 田永伟. “滑动轴承热效应分析及流场等效温度的合理确定”. 润滑与密封. 2012; 37(10): 70-73. [核心]


1.李志刚, 郎骥, 李军, 丰镇平. ”迷宫密封泄漏特性试验研究”. 西安交通大学学报, 2011, 45(3): 141-147. [EI]

Professional Experience
  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,2023.1-2025.12,主持。

  2. 江苏省科技厅,青年项目2022.07-2025.07,主持。

  3. 中央高校科研经费2022-2023,主持。

  4. 2023南京市留学人员科技创新择优资助计划(B类),主持。

  5. 美国自然科学基金项目2020.07-2023.06,参与

  6. 国家重点研发项目,2024-2027,骨干

Research Interests

1. Q. Wu, J. Lang. “Apparatus for Examining Brain Injury, Method of Making and Method of Using the Same”. U.S. Patent 2023/0139872 A1, May 4, 2023. 

Refereed Journals
Other Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Patents and Applications