“新质装备前沿讲堂” 第二十六场:Professor Boli Chen——Intelligent Control Technologies for Smart and Sustainable Mobility



Over the past few decades, robotics and autonomous system technology have significantly advanced due to the development of computational and communication technologies. Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) are poised to be among the first highly safety-critical autonomous systems available to the public. With greater adoption of CAVs, road transport can become greener and more flexible. However, these benefits are not immediately accessible; more advanced control approaches are necessary to tackle the typical research challenges in CAV control. Key research problems include real-time control and planning with enhanced situational awareness, routing using micro-scale traffic data, coordinated platooning with traffic signal information, and smart charging technology that benefits both the grid and the vehicle. This talk will address these issues from both control and planning perspectives, covering single and cooperative CAV control scenarios. It will also illustrate how different scales can coexist efficiently in an advanced vehicular traffic control system. Special attention will be given to safety, which has become a central concern in robotics, self-driving vehicles, and other applications experiencing increased automation and societal integration.

Presentation Abstract

Boli Chen (IEEE SM’24) obtained his PhD degree in Control Systems from Imperial College London, UK in 2016. He was a Post-Doc at Imperial college London, with the Control and Power Group from 2016 to 2019. Since September 2019, he is a Lecturer in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London, where he is associated with the Sensors Systems and Circuits research group and the UCL Robotics Institute. His research focuses on control, optimisation and estimation theory of complex dynamical systems, with applications focusing on the automotive, transportation and electric energy systems. Dr Boli Chen holds positions as an associate editor for European Journal of Control and the EUCA Conference Editorial Board.

讲座时间:2024729日 15:00

