“百年机械、智造未来”大师论坛第三十三场:Prof. Xiao WANG ——Integrating perovskite oxides and layered materials towards future electronics



Dr. Xiao WANG (Renshaw, ) is an associate professor at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. He earned his Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Twente (Netherlands), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA, and at SMART in Singapore.

Dr. Wang’s research focues on oxide spintronics/electronics and low-dimensional physics. He has received various awards, including Nanyang Assistant Professorship from NTU, Singapore, NWO Rubicon Fellowship from the Netherlands, as well as Chinese government award for outstanding self-financed student abroad.

He has published over 90 scientific papers, including papers as the corresponding author in journals such as Science, Nature ElectronicsNature Communications, and Science Advances. His currently the managing editor of Modern Physics Letters B. He has an H-index of 37 and has received over 4300 citations. His group website is www.RenshawLab.com.


When artificially integrating the naturally incompatible atomic structures, crystallographic orientations and physical functionalities, the interplays at the interfaces induce unexpected functionalities, which is beneficial to future electronics in the aspect of manipulation, functionalization and utilization. However, realizing unrestricted heterogeneous integration and their electronic applications is extremely challenging, because of the technical restrictions of fabrication and the unwanted reduction of interface quality. The challenges are particularly severe in the heterogeneous integration of oxides with either other emerging materials or existing Si technologies, because of the incompatible growth dynamics and large lattice mismatch.

In this talk, I will discuss our recent exploration of functional electronic devices based on the heterogeneous integration of perovskite oxide films. First, I will provide a brief overview of the emergent functionalities in oxide heterostructures and approaches to heterogeneously integrating the perovskite oxides. Then, I will discuss on experimental results of two related electronic applications based on the heterogeneously integrated structures consisting of perovskite oxide membranes and layered two-dimensional materials, namely energy-efficient transistors using SrTiOand multifunctional devices using Sr-doped LaMnO3. A summary will be provided at the end.

讲座时间:20231221日 14:30GMT+08:00

讲座地点: 东南大学机械楼第一会议室
